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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Post Processing Drill

Photo by Deb Wolfe

Post Processing Drill
This activity will refresh or launch your post processing skills. Among the students there is probably a range of thinking, skills and software types. So let’s look at a "before" image and you guys create the "after" picture. Let the images do the talking.
I'm attaching an image that came straight out of the camera. The photographer is Deb Wolfe. Your mission is to make the shot better.
Use Photoshop/Lightroom or Aperture to edit this image.
Please bring your post processed image to class upload the image to a computer and give a brief explanation of what you did to the photo and the tools you used.

NOTE: The original photographer retains copyright to the submitted image. Anyone post processing this image is granted a limited license for editing purposes only. Ownership of the post processed image cannot be claimed by those participating in this exercise. In addition no person is granted the rights to publish, distribute, use the image in derivative works or sell the image(s) except for publishing for this class.

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