All or nothing- well, it depends how many of these social media platforms do you use, what is your goal and target audience...
I just happened to come across Selene Bowlby webdesigner who has some great ideas on web design, s media and more. Since I am in the process of redesigning my site, I can't thank her enough for the list of social media buttons on her site that give me an idea to use them in the navbar or even provide a "subscribe to" RSS feed option at the end of my content!
She even has a FAQ tab in the primary navbar! She posts great ideas on her 15 Key Elements All Top Web Sites Should Have article, check it out!
Here are my take aways from reading her articles:
-Consistency (in navigation)
-Primary navigation above the fold (logo, main sections)
-Include ALL SM icons (same size, same position, on all sites)- MySpace, FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, iTunes
-Include “search” box
-RSS feed or Newsletter option
-Add a Sitemap in footer (links to all sites)
-1 or 2 featured contents per page
-Have the website available for mobile devices
-"Speak live with…" option
This is so helpful!! Thank you so much for posting this info.
I really like the depth of information you can pack into such a small space. And, your summary points of the link you provide is a good way to make sure your visitors have memorable "take aways". Well done.
Thank you, Emily and Debbie! Short and simple- this is web design 101 :)
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