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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Social Media – Use it or lose it?- Part 5

I do realize that I have to use any new forms of communication to reach a global audience. Educational institutions should generate online content on the website to “keep the conversation” going (content can be a blog about students’ work, a book written by faculty, multimedia project about a student project, etc.). Thanks to technology virtual classes and online collaboration are possible so why wouldn’t we spread the word more?
Businesses should realize that social media is an evolving medium. What is in today (like Instagram, Foursquare) might be out tomorrow. I started the Multimedia Tips on USF’s iTunesU and according to Brad Stager coordinator USF iTunesU, the podcast has become a success. You can read about it on my FB or on my blog :)
I also adopted technology and social media in my photojournalism classes I taught last semester at USF. These methods were not demonstrated in the classes I took at USF. Few of my professors were using technology to interact with students outside classes. Among the various instructional modalities I used in these classes included blog posts, audio and video podcasts, photo competitions on Flickr, and Blackboard, and multimedia projects created in Soundslides or. Those students who were interested in learning multimedia had the opportunity to work with me outside class and learn Soundslides and audio editing in Audacity.
Sources for you:

- A great tutorial on Soundslides
- more tutorial on Soundslides
- Ken Kobre's blogpost about the Soundslides vs. Final Cut debate
- more tutorials from Mindy Mcadams
- Web strategy for higher education

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